Trump visit to Alabama is endorsement of Tuberville’s ‘political antics’: Biden

Trump visit to Alabama is endorsement of Tuberville’s ‘political antics’: Biden

Ahead of Donald Trump’s visit to Alabama for the state Republican Party’s Summer Dinner, the Biden campaign slammed the former president’s appearance later Friday in Montgomery as an endorsement of Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s “reckless political antics.”

While the Biden-Harris campaign made the statement about Trump “campaigning with Tommy Tuberville this evening in Alabama,” the dinner at the Renaissance Hotel was not billed by the Alabama Republican Party as a campaign event.

The Biden campaign said Trump’s upcoming appearance in Alabama was an endorsement of Tuberville’s hold on more than 260 military promotions in protest of new Department of Defense policies on abortion.

The DOD policies allow service members to request administrative absence for “non-covered reproductive health services,” which includes elective abortions and IVF, for themselves or to accompany their partners.

The policies also provide transportation allowances to travel to states where reproductive care is more expansive.

Additionally, the new policies would allow service members to wait up to 20 weeks before disclosing their pregnancies.

“No one is shocked to see Donald Trump endorse Tommy Tuberville’s reckless political antics that put our military readiness at risk. If Donald Trump cared about America’s national security, he’d join the overwhelming majority of Americans who oppose Tuberville’s blockade of military promotions,” the campaign said in a statement to “But this is the MAGA playbook: play political games no matter the cost. And in the egregious case of Senator Tuberville, they compromise our military readiness and stand in the way of women who want to make their own health care decisions. Donald Trump and Sen. Tuberville’s priorities are clear: they’re more concerned with their extreme agenda than with actually governing and protecting this nation.”

Tuberville has disputed claims that his hold is harming the military, pointing to military officials who testified the tactic is not impairing readiness: